Diamond burnishing tools

Nowadays, hardened steels find extensive use in the automotive sector, namely for the manufacture of gears, camshafts, crankshafts and crown wheels. As these parts usually work under dynamic loading conditions, their fatigue strength should be of high level.
When the hardness of such parts exceeds 45 HRC, their machining is described as hard.
As precision hard turning has the ability to replace traditional grinding in the machining of hardened components, its use in the industrial sector has increased dramatically.
However, it was later found that hard turning does not provide sufficient surface finish or proper hardness in the underlying layers and can result in residual tensile stresses, which have unfavorable effects on fatigue life.
Thus, to overcome these limits of hard turning, a finishing operation, such as polishing of sliding diamonds, is required after hard turning to obtain proper surface integrity.
Tryckpolering med diamant är en slutbehandlingsprocess som liknar svarvning kinematiskt men utan spånborttagning, där ett deformerande verktyg med en sfärisk slipad och polerad diamant glider under tryck över arbetsstyckets yta och orsakar plastisk deformation.
The main benefits of the process are to improve corrosion and wear resistance, increase microhardness, reduce surface roughness, induce residual compressive stresses and refine the surface microstructure.
As a result, the fatigue strength of the workpiece will be improved. These advantages make it possible to replace grinding with diamond polishing of hardened steel components.
Both conventional and CNC lathes are mostly used to perform the polishing process. As the workpiece rotates, the polishing head is forced against it and moves axially. The basic control parameters of the diamond burning process are
Spring force (N)
Feed rate (mm/rev)
Workpiece (rpm)
or the tool (m/min)
Wear of diamond radius (mm)
To date, many studies have been conducted to investigate the influence of polishing parameters and their interactions on the outcome of the diamond polishing process, such as surface roughness, surface residual stresses, microhardness and microstructure.
Resultaten av dessa studier visar att effektiviteten av diamant tryckpolering processen i hög grad beror på omfattningen av de applicerade tryckpolerings parametrarna och deras interaktioner, typen av material och dess hårdhet och miljön för tryckpolerings processen, som smörjning och slitage av diamantradien.
The effect of pressure polishing with diamond we provide links below (coming soon).